Adam Gorightly just released a brand new book, Saucers, Spooks and Kooks: UFO Disinformation in the Age of Aquarius. He is a longtime writer and researcher of UFO-related shenanigans, and I recommend giving a read to his latest offering from Daily Grail Publishing.
The book dives into the often dubious tales that make up the UFO genre, taking particular aim at the circumstances surrounding the alleged underground alien base of Dulce, New Mexico. Adam tracks the stories to their origins, and shares insights about his personal interactions with characters who inhabit and cultivate those tales.
I asked Adam if he would field a few questions for a blog post. My questions are followed by his responses below. He also provided the accompanying images.
What made you decide to write Saucers, Spooks and Kooks, and what was most important to you about it?
It was a project that evolved
over time, starting with an article I was writing over ten years ago titled “My Breakfast with Tal”, which detailed
my account of breaking bread with the one and only Tal Levesque. An enigmatic and
somewhat shadowy character, he was a key player in promoting the Dulce Base
story/mythos starting back in the late 1980s.
As things progressed, I started
delving deeper into the many claims associated with Dulce Base, many of which
Tal, and a handful of others, had seemingly seeded, and in some cases, it
appeared, created out of whole cloth. Over
time, the project evolved into a longer
article with the working title “Deconstructing Dulce”. I set out to pick
apart the entire Dulce Base story, in essence deconstructing all the elements, in
an attempt to separate fact from fiction, and untangle the many seemingly spurious
stories associated with Dulce. Many in ufology unfortunately have taken those stories as gospel over the ensuing years. So the article kept growing to the point
where it ultimately became book length in order to cover all the aspects of the
story, and the many players, in ufology and the intelligence community, who had
helped form the Dulce Base narrative.
One of the key allegations in
the Dulce Base story concerned a secret treaty between reptilian aliens and the
U.S. Government in which ET technology had
been exchanged in return for test subjects to be used in an alien-human hybrid
breeding program. Rumors have
long circulated that cattle mutilations were also somehow involved in these experiments,
the ultimate goal of which was to allegedly create human-alien hybrids to
preserve and revive a dying ET race.
As the story goes, a heroic security
officer named Thomas Castello led a revolt against the Dulce Base alien bad
guys and the end result was a shoot ‘em up that ultimately left sixty-six Dulce Base workers dead. Castello
had at his disposal a “flash gun” that allowed him to take out a few of these dastardly
aliens and hightail it out of Dulce, thereafter becoming a whistleblower on
the run. This legendary battle, straight out of a sci fi B movie script, became
known as “The Dulce War”.
In Saucers, Spooks and Kooks, you trace the origins of
several urban myth-like beliefs to Paul Bennewitz and Myrna Hansen, and their
fateful interactions of the 1980s. How much of what came to be popularly
accepted about alleged aliens would you say is directly related to Hansen and
her influence on Bennewitz?
Myrna Hansen was one of the
first so-called alien abductees, way before the term became fashionable. Her
encounter, or whatever you want to call it, occurred in early May of 1980, when
she and her son Shawn, while driving in Eagle Nest, New Mexico, allegedly witnessed
a cow get sucked up on a beam into a spaceship. Shortly after, they were also
sucked up into the craft where all sorts of insanity ensued, first with the ETs
dissecting the helpless heifer in front of their horrified eyes, and then
Hansen was placed into a trance and underwent some sort of medical procedure.
Following her encounter, a
terrified Hansen contacted the state police office in the town of Cimarron to
inform them of her crazy encounter with knife wielding cow cutting aliens, and
in turn the Cimarron office referred her to New Mexico state trooper Gabe
Valdez. He worked out of Dulce, and had by this time acquired the reputation
as the go-to guy for cut-up cows and unexplained lights in the sky. It was
Valdez who put Hansen in touch with Paul Bennewitz, a private government
contractor specializing in avionics who among other things was an APRO member. Through Bennewitz’s APRO connections he was able to enlist the services of Leo
Sprinkle, a University of Wyoming professor who had been investigating UFO cases using hypnotic regression for over
ten years. Sprinkle would conduct a number of hypnotic regressions with Hansen
at Bennewitz’s home, and more specifically inside of Bennewitz’s Lincoln Town
Car, which he had covered the windows with aluminum foil as a means to disrupt
an alien beam he believed was attempting to interfere with Sprinkle’s hypnotic
regression of Hansen.
Curiously enough, Sprinkle
conducted hypnotic regressions back in 1973 with another lady named Judy Doraty,
who recounted a similar tale as Hansen’s
regarding ETs and cattle mutes getting sucked up into a space craft, so how
much of this was crosspollination or contamination (i.e. investigators/regression
therapists leading alleged witnesses to a certain conclusion) is still an open
question. It should be noted that Bennewitz, in addition to his fascination
with UFOs, also had an abiding interesting in the cattle mutilation phenomenon,
and so the two—UFOs and cattle mutes, it could be presumed—became intertwined
in his mind and this worldview leaked out on to those with whom he interacted.
Hansen’s regressions included a
smorgasbord of standard alien
abduction tropes, such as a victim being sucked up into a ship on a Star
Trek styled tractor beam, then placed
in a trance and undergoing medical procedures related to reproduction
and the test tube creation of alien-human hybrids. Hansen, it was alleged, had
been implanted with a monitoring device, a so-called “alien implant” as they
became known in the lore, and she experienced “missing time.”
As the Sprinkle/Hansen
regressions probed ever deeper into the recesses of her beleaguered brain, it
was revealed, or she remembered or confabulated (take your pick), being
transported to a secret underground facility. During a medical examination, a
metallic object was allegedly implanted in the base of her skull, apparently as
a means for the aliens to later track her and beam her with malevolent messages,
which is the reason why Bennewitz went to all the trouble of constructing a tin
foil beanie which he placed over the windows of his car during the hypnotic
regression sessions.
At one point during her
underground base misadventure, Hansen recalled escaping the clutches of her
captors and encountering multiple vats of liquid containing the remains of
human and animal body parts. Bennewitz somehow deduced that this underground
facility where Hansen saw all this stuff was located near Dulce. All of these
elements of the story ultimately became
incorporated into UFO lore as we now know it. The term alien “greys,” as far as I
have been able to glean, was another trope that came straight out of the
Bennewitz Affair.
As you explained in the book, the Bennewitz Affair came to involve Richard Doty
and William Moore. I particularly appreciated your documentation of the origins
of the unreliable Majestic 12 documents and their relation to Moore and his
associate, Jaime Shandera. What do you think is most important for people to
understand about that chain of events?
One critical factor that’s important to consider when attempting to unravel the origins of the MJ-12 Papers was that in 1981, three years before the MJ-12 papers surfaced, Bill Moore was working on a book project with Bob Pratt, a National Enquirer reporter who covered the flying saucer beat for the magazine. This book project, originally titled MAJIK-12, was a fictionalized account based on supposedly true UFO related information relayed to them by none other than AFOSI special agent Richard Doty, who was identified by Moore in a draft version of this book as “Ronald L. Davis”. MAJIK-12, or alternately MJ-12, was short for Majestic 12, who as most of your readers probably know, was supposedly a super-secret government group involved in investigating UFO sightings and the retrieval of crashed flying saucers and aliens, dead and alive.
Although the Moore/Pratt book project ultimately fell by the wayside, the proposed title MAJIK-12 suggested that Bill Moore was aware of something called MAJIK-12 or Majestic-12 at least three years before a mysterious envelope landed on his research partner Jaime Shandera’s doorstep, sent anonymously with no return address, postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico. This postmark seemed a huge hint to some that Richard Doty was behind this caper, as during that period Doty was stationed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. The envelope contained a roll of 35mm film that when developed revealed photos of what became known as the MJ-12 papers.
Prior to the emergence of the MJ-12 papers, Moore and another research partner, Stan Friedman, speculated about the existence of just such a group as MJ-12, and had even compiled a list of its most probable candidates. Moore later shared these names with Doty in the hopes that he might be privy to information that would confirm their list of MJ-12 candidates. When the MJ-12 papers surfaced, they did indeed include on their roster some of these very same MJ-12 candidates that Moore and Friedman had previously speculated were members of the group, such as Roscoe Hillenkoetter, first director of the CIA (1947-1950), and James Forrestal, who was Secretary of Defense during that same period, thus seemingly providing confirmation to Moore and Friedman that they’d been on the right track. Others would suggest that Doty cooked up the whole caper, and through a feedback loop provided Moore, Shandera and Friedman with what exactly they were looking for regarding information that seemed to confirm the Roswell UFO crash, that just happened to be the subject of the book Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz published in 1979, The Roswell Incident. It has been conjectured that Moore had a hand in counterfeiting the documents, with or without the help of Doty. However, it’s never been conclusively proven who hoaxed the documents, although the FBI determined that they were not authentic, or in their words, “bogus.”
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FBI conclusion of the MJ-12 docs: "bogus" |
In the same manner that the MJ-12 docs mysteriously showed up on Shandera’s doorstep, a similar event occurred in 1994 when UFO researcher Don Berliner received an anonymously sent envelope that contained a roll of undeveloped 35mm film. Once developed, the photographs revealed a 29-page document called SOM 1-01, Majestic-12 Group Special Operations Manual, a purported military manual related to flying saucer crash retrievals.
SOM-01-1 also included a reference to “Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico” which some suspected was a wink and a nod that it may have been another Richard Doty snow-job. Nonetheless, SOM-01-1 has continued to be embraced by some of the more prominent voices in ufology, such as Linda Howe, who at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure (a pretend Congressional hearing held at the National Press Club in 2013), claimed that SOM-01-1 had “stood the test of time” —which of course it had done nothing of the sort, and only added to the stack of other seemingly spurious MJ-12 related documents that have littered ufology over the years.
You wrote about several instances in which members of the military supply UFO researchers with doubtful information, accompanied by promises of future revelations. Ultimately, the big reveal does not materialize and the rug is pulled out from under the researcher. Please tell us a little about one such event.
In the early 1970s, film
producer Robert Emenegger was on the business end of one such
promised “big reveal” (that ultimately turned out to be a dud) when he and his co-producer/partner, Allan
Sandler, were approached by U.S. Air Force officials with an offer to cooperate
and share information for a proposed documentary on UFOs. According to their
Air Force contacts, this would be an all hands on deck affair, with the support
of each branch of the military who would provide Emenegger and Sandler access
to UFO files in addition to the promised crown jewel: 16mm footage of a UFO landing with ETs, allegedly
filmed at Holloman Air Force Base in 1971.
After spending considerable time and resources developing the project,
with repeated promises of the saucer landing footage for their documentary, Emenegger
and Sandler ultimately had the rug pulled out from under their feet, and were left
empty handed as the Air Force failed to deliver the promised goods, and this
early version of so-called “UFO Disclosure” went kaput. Emenegger and Sandler’s
UFO documentary was eventually released years later, under the title of UFOs:
It Has Begun but its impact was obviously
diminished greatly from a credibility
standpoint after the Air Force pulled out of the project. That's assuming, of course,
that the Air Force actually possessed the material they promised for the film.
A similar “UFO Disclosure” head fake happened with Linda Moulton Howe a
decade later, when in 1983 she was tapped to produce an HBO special with the
proposed title UFOs: The E.T. Factor. During
this period, Howe had been investigating the claims of Paul Bennewitz for
possible inclusion in her documentary, and along the way she came to the
attention of Richard Doty, then assigned to Kirtland Air Force Base. Doty took
Howe under his dubious wing, and gave
her a glimpse of some supposedly classified documents related to flying saucer
crash retrievals and the astounding revelation that there was actually a little
ET in captivity at a military base somewhere. Doty informed Howe if she played
her cards right she might even have an opportunity to interview the little fella.
In addition, Doty told Howe that government intelligence officers had in their
possession film footage of a UFO landing at a military base, as well as other
photos and classified materials she could use. After several months of
stringing Howe along, Doty informed her that he’d been removed from the case,
and passed her on to other intelligence contacts that likewise strung Howe
along for a period of several months, but never produced the promised UFO
footage. This delay eventually caused HBO to opt out of the project, leaving
Howe dangling in the wind.
As for the main motivation behind these capers, one can speculate in a
lot of different directions, one of which was that Doty was attempting to discredit and misguide Howe’s UFO research, and ultimately undermine her HBO
documentary, as well as to find out what information she had on Bennewitz and
the counterintelligence program aimed at him, of which Doty was an operative.
You explained a lot about
the Dulce mythos and the people who spread it. In your research and experience,
what did you think was most interesting about all that?
The evolution of the mythos,
and how it came about in the first place, is what I find most intriguing. There
are different elements to the story, including what has become known in UFO
lore as “The Dulce War”, which I mentioned earlier, where supposedly this
security guard at the base named Tom Castello helped form a resistance movement. Some of his fellow human co-workers then got themselves into a dust up
with the aliens and came out on the losing end of the skirmish. When the dust
had cleared, as the legend goes, sixty-six Dulce base workers perished, although
Castello was able to escape on account of his trusty “flash gun.”
So where did this story come from? As far as I can tell, it originated in a December 2, 1981 letter that Paul Bennewitz sent to U.S. Senator for New Mexico Pete Domenici stating that “sometime late 79 or first of 80 an argument insued [sic] over weapons and the military abandoned [Dulce base]; the final circumstance of the men unknown…” In a September 11, 1984 interview, Bennewitz told UFO researcher Jim McCampbell that: “In 1979 something happened and the base was closed. There was an argument over weapons and our people were chased out, more than 100 people involved…” Although Bennewitz didn’t implicitly state that there was an actual battle between humans and aliens at Dulce, his comments about some type of conflict, or of the humans abandoning the base, appeared to have been enough to plant the seed that later blossomed into “The Dulce War.”
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1981 letter from Bennewitz to Sen. Domenici |
Nearly a decade later, “The Dulce War” story was fleshed out with the more detailed account concerning Tom Castello and his fellow resistors that appeared in “The Dulce Papers”. Variations of this story have also cropped up concerning a similar battle/confrontation occurring at Area 51.
In the mid-1990s, the Dulce War
story resurfaced or was repurposed by a mentally unstable fellow named Phil Schneider
who for a time became a star on the patriot and UFO lecture circuit, basically repeating
the Tom Castello story with himself inserted into the heroic role of Castello, including
the whole shoot ‘em up with dastardly aliens routine.
There seem to be a lot of
common themes that run between each of these stories, such as Dulce, Area 51,
SERPO, and events surrounding Paul Bennewitz. Please share some of your
thoughts on that.
I would also add Roswell and the
MJ-12 Papers to that mix, and the same recurring cast of characters who
promoted these stories that are featured in my book, among them John Lear, Tal
Levesque, Richard Doty, Bill Moore and a handful of others that formed this nexus
of “influencers.” Bill Moore would later disavow many of these claims, and
ostensibly remove himself from this nexus of characters, who he said were
pushing false stories that had ultimately driven Paul Bennewitz bonkers.
John Lear, who admittedly had
ties to the intelligence community, was an avid MJ-12 Papers promoter, while at
the same time, during the mid-1980s, he was
leaking information to the media about a secret stealth aircraft testing
program at Area 51. The specter of stealth technology was forever lurking on
the edges of these tall tales related to Dulce Base, Kirtland and Area 51, part of what appeared to be an effort to shape
the overall narrative and muddy the waters about what was actually going on at
these military testing sites.
As for SERPO, Richard Doty had
a large role disseminating that story, dating back to when he appeared as
“Falcon” in the nationally televised special that aired in 1988 called UFO
Cover-up Live!. According to Doty (a la “Falcon”), the U.S. government had
participated in an exchange program, with the aliens basically giving our astronauts the keys to one of their saucers, and having them travel to their
planet, while in exchange the aliens stayed on Earth for a number of years
sharing their vast intergalactic wisdom with the Earthlings, which was fundamentally
the same story as SERPO.
What would you tell UFO researchers new to the fray who attempt to navigate these stormy seas?
Well, I think the people who need to hear it the most would probably care the least about what I have to say, but if they did, I’d suggest looking back in the annals of ufology and examining its past. Do that before jumping aboard any particular UFO shark, because there seems to be nothing new under the sun when it comes to a lot of these recurring themes that continually crop up in UFO lore.
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The infamous Silverman photo |
Is Bob Lazar mentioned in the book?
ReplyDeleteLazar is mentioned but I would not consider his saga to be a focus of the book. The book explores the Dulce mythos and other tales that arose out of the Bennewitz Affair, along with the people involved.
DeleteThis should be required reading for all NAMI members - hopefully supplied by
ReplyDeleteBigelow - but that’s the stuff of my own sci-fi dreams and
Adam G isn’t interviewed by George Knapp soon then there’s the proof for ‘real skeptics’ what ’state we’re in ‘ !
What a joy to hear about in this whirlpool of junk ‘journalism’ !
EDIT - actually meant to write MUFON
Deletelong story…. yet if Mr. Bigelow would distribute Adam’s book it would be an immense support for Truth !
and that’s my point - and seriously, give this guy a grant !!
Put him in charge of ‘The Ranch’ !
“….more specifically inside of Bennewitz’s Lincoln Town Car, which he had covered the windows with aluminum foil as a means to disrupt an alien beam he believed was attempting to interfere with Sprinkle’s hypnotic regression of Hansen…..”
ReplyDeleteSprinkle is hilarious.
“…has continued to be embraced by some of the more prominent voices in ufology, such as Linda Howe….”
If howe says something is legit, I know its a hoax.
“…Doty was attempting to discredit and misguide Howe’s UFO research…”
Thats nearly impossible to do since Howe discredits herself like a champion all the time.
Well, people "want to believe" so they blindly follow those who side with their own preconceived viewpoints. That, there is no evidence whatsoever behind these claims does not seem to matter in the slightest, which is simply astounding! It is little wonder that the CIA realized as far back as the early 50s that there was potential here for psychological operations.
DeleteI've been delving into the Dulce story for the past few years, doing private research mostly for my own self-edification. I've visited the Archuleta area near Dulce twice and perused the archives at a couple of local newspapers, among other things.
ReplyDeleteThat said, my impressions on this upcoming book is that it is mostly recycling information that has been known about Dulce for some time (see, Project Beta by Greg Bishop, X-Descending by Christian Lambright, and the absolutely essential Dulce Base by Greg Valdez).
Since it covers Dulce, I will probably check the book out when it comes to my library to see if it offers anything new but I am a little leary just based on some of the authors responses to your questions.
1) Bennewitz, at least to my knowledge, was never member of MUFON. He WAS a member of APRO.
2) Bennewitz's speciality was NOT avionics like the author stated. He ran Thunder Scientific which specializes in humidity sensors. That said he held a masters in electrical engineering and by all accounts was a genius. Most of the equipment he used in his research was built by himself.
It's just, for me, information on the disinformation campaign orchestrated against Bennewitz is rather old hat now. It is well documented, and the information has been out there some time. I would encourage people to do their own research on this topic as it is more complex and crazy than most realize.
I checked with Adam Gorightly and he stated it was simply a boo boo on his part to write MUFON instead of APRO. I subsequently edited the above post.
DeleteWhat’s the best info source on Doty ?
btw I agree Bishop’s “ Project Beta “ is excellent, and I think he and AG
are/were long time friends/associates- maybe it was just an interview-
agh the fog of history!- Bishop had ‘radio show’ …and earlier blogged with Nick Redfern …
anyway, thanks,
Hi mouseonmoon,
DeleteThat is an excellent question about Doty and I'm not sure if I can really recommend any one source. The three books I mentioned earlier provide different pieces of the puzzle so, collectively, they are probably the best work on the subject.
Bishop's work is an excellent read! The only caveat is that it is a little dated in light of more recent evidence that has come to light.
I'll add that Gorightly and Bishop co-authored the 2018 book "'A' is for Adamski: The Golden Age of the UFO Contactees".
Deletehey Adam S
DeleteI was hoping there’d be more - I’m running out of time …
it might work if Bigelow would offer him 50k to speak at a private
‘MULFon’ event and then GB and AG could just plain abduct him-
AG could pretend to be Col. Alex and order him to tell all -
Regular investigative journalism just takes too long !
And seriously, I think the Phoenix Lights show would be the best 'event' to really delve into - to really figure out what exactly happened - yet another 'smoke and mirrors' game - heck , the "Lights" are the biggest 'mirror' !
good to hear from you,
Haha, love the humor! :-) Doty is a former MP though who may have seen active combat, so even at his age now I'm sure he would be a handful. Watch out for those chokeholds! Maybe though he would let them tap out...
DeleteGreat to see Isaac Koi ( a nom de plume) mentioned. The good barrister played a key role in debunking the Roswell Slides hoax. Koi quickly published step-by-step instructions using a certain brand of deblurring software available in the public domain, which clearly showed the placard's text. Although the placard had already been deciphered, Koi's efforts showed that anybody could achieve the same result in just a few simple steps. This obliterated the ridiculous claims that the image had been somehow manipulated by the RSRG. So when Maussan, Cary, Schmitt, et al screamed about being defamed, everyone knew the truth. And that truth was that all who participated at that carnival in Mexico City were part and parcel to one of the biggest hoaxes in recent memory.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your interest and comments, everybody. Always appreciated.
ReplyDeleteJack, I also meant to say thank you for this interview and your continuing endeavors here
Deleteand beyond.
it’s interesting that Kuhn’s episode about ETs from the PBS series “ Closer to Truth” was just uploaded to YouTube with a rather remarkable sudden increase in viewers ….yet the comments are sadly typical -
ps I’d love to see a ‘full investigation’ into Gov. Fife Symington and the “Phoenix Lights”- there’s more to the story- has he changed it again ?
Why not an offer from Bigelow for the ’skeptics’ and military ( a la ‘Amusing Randi’ ) to produce another ‘flare show’!
I ordered a copy a few days ago, looking forward to it!
ReplyDeleteExcellent reading Jack, as usual. And thank you for alerting us readers to this new "Saucers, Spook and Kooks" book by Gorightly. That sounds like one to check out, no doubt.
ReplyDeleteOccurs to me its title alone might make a great Top 40 hit for Cher. Maybe to the tune of her "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" recycled?
(Apologies to all, if too whimsically serious)
About 2 cases noted here that by modus operandi "of a feather flock together" -
1) < a mysterious envelope landed on... Jaime Shandera’s doorstep, sent anonymously with no return address, postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico. This postmark seemed a huge hint to some that Richard Doty was behind this caper >
2) < a similar event occurred in 1994 when UFO researcher Don Berliner received an anonymously sent envelope that contained a roll of undeveloped 35mm film >
Would it be okay with you if I nominate a 3rd case, with similarly striking profile? Another one that shall live in - well, either fame or infamy I guess (you be the judge)?
Reference the "Guardian" affair. In which by some accounts, a certain ahem researcher (Oeschler) seems to have played quite a lively role:
< late 1989, several UFO investigators and researchers in Canada and the United States received a package of documents sent anonymously through the mail... Then almost two years later... investigators began receiving more "leaked" documents through the mail, all postmarked Ottawa... Some investigators received another package that contained a VHS videotape [with] a thumbprint and the name "Guardian"... > (quoted from "The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed" by Rutkowski & Dittman, pp 152-158)
BTW I see this blog entry of yours mentioned in passing at a recent reddit thread. It's nothing of UFO intrigue topically. But like the 'Guardian' Scooby-Do caper the subject features a mysterious cassette tape (audio only) of no known provenance, staged front and center, in an apparently attention-soliciting narrative.
With these saucer-specific precedents: I like the fact of the first-person accounts - unsworn testimonies ('scouts honor') about how these mysterious packages fell into various persons' hands. Likewise I might take relative comfort with these UFO hijinx by the lack of any felonies implicated, for example, unsolved cold case homicides.
Because in the matter considered at the reddit thread (mentioning your blog) neither of those two 'breathe easy' conditions apply. For reference I'll just link it in passing, and move right along -
On idle impression, maybe there could almost be a study of 'intents and purposes' to which this manner of 'conjure evidence' could be put? These UFO-specific examples almost seem like White Sand proving grounds for how this sort of thing is done, and its potential utility.
Not to divert from the saucer topic as illuminated by this fascinating new book (sounds like) - and your superb interview with its author. Just to say it's good to see you keeping up the fine work you do in this arena of ever-deepening intrigue. And to say I immensely enjoyed reading this feature of yours. As I do routinely.
Your work is well done and one of a kind.
A few more of like kind wouldn't hurt a subject like this. Seems to me.
Thank you, Brian, for your comments and interest. Your attention and encouragement are very much appreciated.
DeleteIt is clear by the false and otherwise misleading claims in this brief interview the author is telling second and third hand stories to promote a book.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to understand that everything Mr. Doty says is true, especially the lies!
Behold, a pail of horseshit... oh no, that's gonna' make the Cooperites mad! I'll order the book just for that reason :)
ReplyDeleteDon’t forget to write a review !
DeleteTruth decay’s even disintegrated the Dentures of Wisdom !
Hey mouseonmoon,
DeleteBook is $7 on Kindle, so I thought eh why not and bought a copy. Finished it today. It's not a bad read, it just doesn't really add anything new. The first half of the book borrows heavily from other books that have been out on Dulce/Bennewitz for some time. The second half is a little better as the author provides some correspondence from people (such as John Lear and Christa Tilton) that helps flesh out their possible motivations and roles in the narrative. But, instead of exploring these avenues in more detail, the author just sort of deflates back to the well-trodden accounts of people like Bill Moore/Rick Doty/Bigelow/etc.
Adam S.
Deletehey, thanks, good quick review ! I was expecting much more 'detail' in this new 'report' ... again, for me, this is a little to late for my interest -
I want to get to the truth about those frickin 'lights' in Zona !
read on,
I suspect it may have involved a lighter than air vehicle with the propulsion system on top of the craft. Just a guess tho. What are your thoughts?
DeleteThat's been my conclusion also - something like a new wave Zeppelin.
DeleteIf u've never seen old newsreels of these airships - check 'em out....
also related great "Airship Mystery" and 'Sonora Aero Club'
bottom line - for me UFOs are real and they're 'ours' ( but you can't touch 'em !!! --by "ours' I mean from this Planet .....super secret
Nobody wants this in the hands of ordinary citizens !!