famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction case serves as the backdrop for analysis.
Readers with casual interest as well as those well-read on the case
will find this a worthy work. Watson covers much in detail,
including Air Force reports and physical evidence analyses.
The author sets the stage by considering UFO events leading up to the fateful New Hampshire night of 1961. The dive
into events surrounding Maury Island and Kenneth Arnold are quite intriguing,
particularly the threads followed on Fred Crisman and Clay Shaw.
Watson spends significant portions of the book exploring aspects of reported alien abductions. Select cases are described, as well as a general outline of common occurrences of alleged abductions.
Watson periodically reminds readers of the dubious nature of the abduction beast. Challenging Budd Hopkins's persistent claims of a wealth of photographic, medical and physical supporting evidence, Watson writes, "As we have seen, there is no video or physical evidence for alien abductions, and other forms of evidence are based on anecdotes or generalizations rather than hard facts or data."
This is not to suggest, however, that the author does not give the abduction devil its due. Whatever we are to ultimately make of the reported encounters, it is clear there are potentially relevant implications. As one psychology expert considered, the fairly common theme of abductions occurring while on long drives could be of interest to neuroscientists.
If there is something this reader would like to have seen the author cover more thoroughly, I would appreciate more critical review of the activities of investigators who were largely responsible for
forming the public perception of alien abduction. A substantial
amount of documentation has been published by many sources on the
unethical actions of abduction gurus. The author chose not to address
these circumstances for the most part, although concerns about hypnosis as a memory enhancer were repeatedly expressed, as were objections to non-professional hypnotists leading the fray. The lack of further addressing ethical concerns may be due in part to
the book being a revised version of Watson's 2009 self-published work, The Alien Deception: An Exploration of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon, according to the opening pages.
does indeed reference critical review undertaken by writer and researcher George Hansen.
Watson also notes, "Ironically, Budd Hopkins, the very person who
helped establish the concept of abduction has published ever-more
fantastic accounts that even his followers find hard to accept at
face value, and he has thereby eroded the validity of his original
aspects of the claims of Hopkins and other investigators are referenced without offering
counterpoints. For instance, Hopkins's claims are noted pertaining to similarities of symbols which abductees purported to see
during encounters and subsequently sketch later. The claim by Hopkins of their consistent similarities was effectively challenged by
Carol Rainey with video footage to demonstrate its extremely
questionable authenticity, including Hopkins qualifying the handling of the symbols was his attempt to "stack the deck".
Watson's defense, he does not suggest Hopkins and other investigators
were necessarily correct, but simply cites their claims as a means to
establish what abductees seem to often report. Interestingly, investigators themselves may be among the
most challenging hurdles to competently analyzing the abduction phenomenon:
we are often at the mercy of their interpretations
and agendas, absent access to the witnesses and what scarce data may exist. We don't know what happened, we know what they said someone else said happened, accounts often obtained through hypnosis and, at
absolute best, a biased lens. It could be added that in some relevant instances this assessment of
investigators is extremely generous and forgiving.

takes a deep and thorough dive into the role media played in public
perception of flying objects and their purported occupants. Confirmed
hoaxes carried out by newspapers, recurring over generations, are covered,
as are relevant aspects of film, television, and radio. The
implications are evident.
author's interest in UFOs and related reports inspired him to obtain
a degree in psychology. Watson therefore dedicates a chapter to its
significance, and acknowledges how discussion of psychological issues is often met
with heavy resistance from investigators and experiencers alike. He
clearly endorses treating people respectfully, while clarifying the
situation is much more complex than simply labeling someone sane or
The risk
of offending researchers or abductees is not a legitimate reason to
neglect delving deeper into their accounts, Watson ultimately argues.
He adds, "In the long term, a less emotionally charged view of
their experiences is likely to be of more help to them than soothing
dedicates the final chapters to analyzing the Hill case and alleged alien abduction, considering
the contradictions in logic, and discussing social implications. The Hill case
continues to be fascinating to both believers and
Captured by Aliens? represents hundreds of hours of research and decades of knowledge acquired by Nigel Watson. The citations are clear
and abundant. It is a useful research tool as well as a significant
work on mapping social aspects of the alien abduction phenomenon,
particularly the Hill case.